why did i chose linguistic..
actually its not my 1st choice..
i want psychology...
but then got linguistic...
does't mean i did't like it...
kind a like it...
i reallyyy love phonetics n phonology..
its so fun....
others...not so much passion..
sometimes i felt like,
untill i took japanesse as my elective..
at 1st i took french..
but it did't attract me ...
eventhough i got A-...
then i took Japanesse ...
coz i thought level 3 i can get certificate..
unfortunately,japanesse have 5 levels...
so level 4 then have certificate..
aiyaaaa xsempat nak sampai level 4..
so i thought i want to take french back..
yeah i know,xtetap pendirian kannnn...
but there's a problem..
so bcoz im so mad n upset i dropped french..
then took japanesse..hahahah..
now im level 2 japanesse...
seriously..i think..
to learn foreign language..at this old age..lol..
must have passion ...
if not..its reallyyy hard...
learning japanesse,i can apply it..
french,i dun like their songs,movies,football....none..
japanesse,i can undertand a bit when watching dorama or anime..:D
with my education as linguistic...
it can make easier for me to learn japanesse..
i can even apply phonology n even make rumus..
soooooooo FUN!..
thats y i said i love phonetic n phono...
well thats the only thing i find interest in linguistic..
to those who wants to start watching japanesse drama..
serious drama 
Last Friends...
funny drana 
Nodame Cantabile...
sweet drama n film 
Hana Yori Dango

(all pics taken from forum crunchyroll.com)